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National Integration Movement of Afghanistan
since the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) arrived in Afghanistan carrying out three specific slogans, [Missions] (1) Suppressing International Terrorism. (2) Eradication of narcotics. (3) Establishing good governance, but unfortunately failed to implement these three important commitments, not only these three commitments fulfilled, but along with their arrival new unrest broke out in Afghanistan. Such as increasing in cultivation, production, processing and use of narcotics, increasing in terrorist groups, insecurity, corruption, lawlessness, violation of human rights and so on. eventually the irresponsible withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan has left many miserable mysteries to the people of Afghanistan, it means that not only the missions have fulfilled, but created more problems for Afghans. As a result, Afghans have become distrustful of the international community, especially NATO. This is not just a matter of political circles; it has worried every single Afghan. in the meanwhile, General Hamdullah Nazek gathered like-minded and number of Intellectuals and shared the mentioned Concerns with them, after a serious Investigation and studies it was found, that the risk is very serious that every Afghan male and female, civilian and the military rural and urban, literate and illiterate. Representatives of political parties, generals of security agencies, judges, district governors, prosecutors, journalists, women's rights activists, civil society activists, cultural figures, religious scholars, tribal elders, trade unions and representatives of all walks of life joined the movement. They agreed that the rule was wider than before and it was called the National Integration Movement of Afghanistan. He later joined a charity called NIMA and a law firm. Since then, we have been collecting the signatures of civilians who want to raise their voices against NATO and its allies through the National Integration Movement of Afghanistan, which is in the form of a petition. The security was being asked from the International Court of Justice under the name of National Integration Movement, The National Integration Movement of Afghanistan was formed of 41 members called the High Council over time number of the high Council escalated to 233 members, a Leadership Council that consists of 31 Members, and Trustees which consists of 11 members, every decision is being made under their supervision. The Leadership Council decided to form an Administrative Committee. [Trustees] Formed through elections, the leadership council has the authority to oversee the movement's activities, but the number of members could change. The National Integration Movement of Afghanistan has five committees: 1- Military Committee, 2: Social Committee, 3: Economic Committee, 4: Legal Committee, 5: Environmental Committee
Our Visiting

Visiting the deputy President Sarwar Danish10 Jan 2021

Meeting with the Chairman of National Assambly 16 Jan 2021

Visiting the Defence Minister31 Jan 2021