Bashir Ahmadzai


Full Name : Bashir Ahmadzai
Mobile No : +93(0) 772728004
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Chief Executive Officer at National Integration Movement of Afghanistan
Bashir Ahmadzai was born on 04/07/1973 in Logar Province of Afghanistan, He graduated from KMC Medical college in 1999 and practiced for 9 years in several different Hospitals located in different parts of the Country such as KMTH, KMH, and worked as physician with Coalition Forces in Khost Province of Afghanistan, He speaks Pashto, Dari, English, Urdu, Arabic and some Spanish, he is still working as a General Manager for Gad Abraham Charity and Allied Freedom Project and also works as GM for 120th District Representative in San Antonio Texas USA .Since 2011 to 2015 he worked as foreign Languages Instructor at Fort Benning Georgia USA, and as senior role player at Camp Shelby Mississippi Fort Bless Elpaso Texas in the united States of America, He joined one of the major Republican Political party in 2015 and started working as GM for 120th district Representative. In 2020 He returned to Afghanistan to fight for Human rights and help the poor families through the Nima Charity Foundation, since the political situation got worse and more complicated, the people of Afghanistan have fear concerning of upcoming security condition in the country he preferred to work and raise his voice ask for stable Afghanistan through National Integration Movement of Afghanistan, based on his skills, merit and experiences he was elected through the leadership Council members as CEO Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the National Integration Movement